Tag: multiple sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis and Dirty Electricity

March 23, 2011.  Symptoms for multiple sclerosis (MS) and electrohypersensitivity (EHS) are similar and may lead to an initial misdiagnosis of this illness.  Also, some people with MS may also have EHS.  If this is the case, improved… Read More

Multiple Sclerosis and Electrohypersensitivity

January 18, 2011.  Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disorder and many of the symptoms overlap with electrohypersensitivity (EHS).  Indeed some individuals with EHS may be misdiagnosed with MS and some may have both “diseases.” In a study… Read More

Mechanisms of action, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy

October 2009. Listen to Dr. Goldsworthy’s perspective on the mechanisms involved in electrohypersensitivity to electrsmog. Dr. Goldsworthy provides plausible explanations for the symptoms experienced by those who have electrohypersensitivity. The audio link is a talk he gave in… Read More