Part 2: Trying to make Sense of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cell Phone Subscriptions and Internet Users (for discussion purposes)

April 20, 2020.  This is a follow-up to the first discussion of Trying to make sense of the covid-19 pandemic” that I posted April 12, 2020.  In this assessment I examine the relationship between cell phone subscriptions in counties around the world and the percentage of Internet users as these relate to covid-19 cases as of April 15, 2020.

In Part 1, we saw that the number of covid-19 cases and the number of wireless networks seemed to match exceptionally well across the globe, except for Africa where some countries don’t have reliable use of electricity and hence no Internet access.  This might have one believe that there is a relationship between exposure to electrosmog and susceptibility to covid-19.  However, it quickly becomes clear that both the cases of covid-19 and the density of wireless technology are going to be highest in density populated areas.

Consequently, in this analysis I standardize for population size.  That analysis is available as a pdf entitled, “Trying to make Sense of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Cell Phone Subscriptions and Internet Users (for discussion purposes)“.

By the way there is an excellent interview with one of the top doctors in South Korea about covid-19.  Well worth watching for those who want to learn more about this pandemic.

What we learned this past week is that the covid-19 numbers for both cases and deaths are  likely to be full of errors with over reporting and under reporting so it will take some time before the “real” numbers become available.   One doctor explains how the CDC has asked doctors to report deaths attributed to covid-19 if the patient tested positive even if they died of a heart attack or traffic accident.  He talks about the financial incentives for hospitals if covid-19 is mentioned.

We also learned that one doctor in New York is confused about what he is witnessing with their patients.  Some appear to have symptoms of altitude sickness rather than a viral infection.  Here is an excellent interview with Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell.