#019: Index of Publications on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (0-100 GHz)

James Kinn with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Elliot Postow with Naval Medical R&D Command compiled a list of 3627 publications on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation from 1 to 100 GHz.  This 574 page document has been scanned and converted into a searchable pdf document that is available here.  The references in this document are listed by title and author.


Considerable research effort has been made into the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation over the frequency range of 0-100 GHz. This work intensified since 1966 when occupational exposure guidelines were made by the American Standards Institute – C95.9. During this period and especially in the last several years it has become clear that a cumulative bibliography of peer reviewed publications reporting this research was needed.

This publication lists 3627 articles published in world literature dealing with the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation over the frequency range of 0-100 GHz. The contents have been compiled from the data bases of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Navy Department. The bibliography covers the published work that was available to March 1980.