#018: Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System 1965 – German translation

Effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System, German Translation, 1965.

Bergman, W.  1965.  The effect of Microwaves on the Central Nervous System.  Translation from the German for Research and Scientific Laboratory, Ford Motor Company by the Technical Library Research Service.  82 pp.


The autonomic nervous system is affected by the microwaves of the centimeter wavelength band. These waves affect circulation, respiration, temperature control, water balance, albumin and sugar concentration in the cerebro-spinal fluid, hydrogen ion concentration, EEG. GSR, sleep, conscious awareness, etc. Depending on the applied dosage, these waves stimulate the sympathetic or parasympathetic system. Very small dosages produce analgesic effects; however, very large dosages are fatal. An undamped or modulated frequency is more effective than damped waves. The biological effect of these waves results from the resonance absorption in the ganglia. There are indications that only higher harmonics, and not the fundamental frequency, produce biological effects. The shielding of the test subject by metal screens increases these effects; however, magnetic fields remove them. Higher harmonics producing these biological effects have physical properties which are similar to those of the bio-electrical energy generated by the human body. The mechanism of hypnosis is explained by the transmission of this energy.



I.    Influencing the central nervous system by short waves as well as by high-frequency currents

1.    Influence on the motor and sensory nerves

2.    Influence on circulation and respiration

3.    Influence on the EEG

4.    Influence on temperature control

5.    Influence on the water balance

6.    Influence on abduction phenomena

7.    Influence on sleep

8.    Influence on conscious awareness

9.    General influence of the short electromagnetic waves on the central nervous system

10.    Chemical-physical effects of short waves

11.    Interpretation of the process with different forms of application of short waves

12. Dosage

13.    Summary

II.    Electrical processes in the human body and its environment

1.    Electrical phenomena in the human body as well as in its environment as a function of the emotional state

2.    Electrical phenomena in the human body and its environment during muscular contractions

3.    Amplification of electrical phenomena in the human body and its environment by artificial means

4.    Resonance phenomena in the transmission of nerve energy in the human body and its environment

5.    Physical characteristics of the energy generated by the human body as well as by various inorganic and organic compounds

6.    Summary

III.    Absorption of electromagnetic energy in ganglion cells

1.    Relation of absorption to the emotional state of the person

2.     Resonance absorption

3.    Relation of absorption to the frequency of the high-frequency energy acting on the human body

4.    “Filtration” of the higher harmonic of the fundamental frequency influencing the ganglion cells

5.    Summary



The present study demonstrates that short electromagnetic waves can have an extensive influence on the central nervous system. This involves a direct influence of high-frequency energy on the autonomic nervous system and the influence on the somatic nervous system takes place by the control of its readiness to function from the vegetative sphere. Such a process otherwise takes place only under hypnosis.

The human body has been found to be the generator of a wave energy which is propagated in the surrounding atmosphere in the form of electromagnetic waves. In its transmission to other persons, this energy influences the central nervous system in a manner similar to short electromagnetic waves. The hypothesis used for an explanation of suggestion is based on the transmission of this wave energy. It has been found that neither the entire electromagnetic field of a short-wave transmitter nor the entire electrical field in the environment of the human body can influence the central nervous system. Rather, the central nervous system is influenced by certain wave components contained in the electromagnetic waves generated by a short-wave transmitter as well as in the electrical field surrounding the human body. Since these Wave components of short electromagnetic waves as well as those of the electrical field around the human body exhibit similar physical characteristics and exert similar influences on the central nervous system, it can be assumed that the same energy is involved in both cases. The possibility results to produce the energy which is effective in hypnosis by engineering methods. In this connection, the development of the instruments which are to produce this energy is to be based on guidelines which differ fundamentally from those presently utilized in the development of transmitters for short-wave diathermy.

In short-wave diathermy as it is used today, the heat generated in the patient is primarily utilized. The development of short-wave transmitters consequently followed the design of highly efficient instruments which produced a maximum heat generation in the patient. It was found that heat produces an effect opposite to that of the energy which influences the central nervous system. Consequently, the effective action of the energy influencing the central nervous system is considerably reduced by the heat formed in the patient. A further attenuation of the energy influencing the central nervous system was produced by the introduction of oscillators which generate undamped oscillations. For undamped waves produce much less prominent reactions of the central nervous system than damped waves or pulses. The introduction of transmitters built on this basis for short-wave diathermy together with the new dosage method which I have proposed and which is based on the principle of measuring the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to the electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body. will provide the practising physician with a new effective instrument permitting the treatment of patients by direct stimulation of the central nervous system.