Wi-Fi routers being considered in Peel District School Board, Canada.

February 24, 2013.  The following is an open letter I sent on February 15, 2013 to Tony Pontes (Director of Education) and Janet McDougald (Chair of Trustees) at the Peel District School Board, the second largest School Board in Ontario.

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February 15, 2013, Magda Havas wrote:

Tony Pontes and Janet McDougald

I write to you because I am convinced Wi-Fi technology is harmful and should not be introduced into the classroom. I know that my opinion may not mean very much to you as it is contrary to what Health Canada says, however, I have been studying environmental toxins since 1975 and, based on my many years of research in this broad area, I believe that we are making a serious mistake that will be much more harmful than asbestos in the classroom ever was. I do not make this statement lightly.

It is my understanding that the PDSB, like many other school boards across Canada, is considering Wi-Fi technology as the primary source of Internet access. Please read the attached letter regarding Wi-Fi and microwave radiation in the classroom before you make any firm decisions about deployment of this technology.

My original research was on acid rain and we were able to bring in clean air legislation despite federal government scientists making claims that there was no such thing as acid rain. The same is happening today with radiation from wireless technology. It takes decades before the science is translated into policy when it comes to environmental toxins.

A strong lobby is trying to sell as many Wi-Fi routers to schools as possible because it is a lucrative business for the manufacturers and distributors. I guarantee that if the PDSB goes ahead and installs Wi-Fi routers many students and teachers are going to become ill. I know this because I work with people who have developed a sensitivity to this radiation. I’m currently doing research on how to diagnose and treat people who have developed electrosensitivity and I provide training sessions and lecture to doctors, workplace safety officers, as well as the general public.

Please do not disregard the teachers and parents who are expressing concern about their children being exposed to microwaves in the classroom. Please do not blindly assume Health Canada is correct on this issue as they have been wrong many times before.

If you wish to discuss any of the science regarding the health effects of microwave radiation at levels that are common in schools with Wi-Fi, I’m at your service. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


-magda havas

What follows is the pdf that I attached to the email.  Click here to download pdf to the Peel District School Board.

For those who would like to send an open letter to their School Boards, a generic open letter regarding Wi-Fi in schools is attached for you to use.  Click here to download the generic pdf regarding Wi-Fi in schools.

This is an issue that affects students and teachers and those who work in a school environment no matter where they live.