Wi-Fi in Schools–Civil Action: Morrison v. Portland Public Schools
January 23, 2012. Update: The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) wrote a letter to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, dated January 19, 2012.
This letter begins:
Dear Commissioners:
The Board of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine opposes the installation of wireless “smart meters” in homes and schools based on a scientific assessment of the current medical literature (references available on request). Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.
The AAEM calls for the following:
- An immediate moratorium on “smart meter” installation until these serious public health issues are resolved. Continuing with their installation would be extremely irresponsible.
- Modify the revised porposed decision to include hearings on health impact in the second proceedings, along with cost evaluation and community wide opt-out.
- Provide immediate relief to those requesting it and restore the analog meters.
Click here for pdf.
January 9, 2012. In order to protect students against unnecessary microwave exposure, some parents and teachers have tried to prevent installation of Wi-Fi in their schools. Others have asked to have Wi-Fi replaced with wired internet access. Here is a situation where a father, on behalf of his child, has taken legal action regarding Wi-Fi at a Portland Public School, in Portland Oregon.
Morrison v. Portland Public Schools: United States District Court, District of Oregon, Portland Division, Civil Action No. 3:11-cv-00739-MO
Shawn E. Abrell is the Lead Counsel and Tyl W. Bakker is the Local Counsel for Plantiffs.
Below are links to expert testimony provided on behalf of the Plaintiff and Defendant.
This is an important case as it could be precedent setting.
Click below for links to testimony.
On behalf of Plaintiff:
1. Barry Trower: Amended Declaration; Addendum A.
2. Curtis Bennett: Second Amended Declaration.
3. Dr. David Carpenter: Amended Declaration.
4. Lloyd Morgan: Amended Declaration; Addendum E–Poster Re-evaluation of the INTERPHONE Study, Addendum F–Poster Exposure Limits; Addendum G–Poster How Many Brain Tumors; Addendum H–Poster Incidence Rate Model; Addendum I–Brain Tumors in Children.
5. Dr. Magda Havas: Declaration; Addendum A–Studies; Addendum B–Boston Petition; Addendum C–International Appeals; Addendum D–Presentation.
On behalf of Defendant
7. Dr. David Savitz: Declaration.