Category: Legal Issues

Rogers vs. Chateauguay: Canadian Supreme Court rules that cities cannot block location of cell towers.

June 17, 2016.  Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that, since the telecom industry comes under the jurisdiction of the federal government, municipalities have no say in the placement of cell phone towers or antennas.  While this… Read More

Health Canada admits Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation is based ONLY on thermal effects!

February 20, 2013.  I just returned from a hearing in Montreal in front of the Superior Court of Quebec where Health Canada scientist, James McNamee, admitted that the Safety Code 6 guideline for microwave radiation (which includes radiation… Read More

Wi-Fi in Schools–Civil Action: Morrison v. Portland Public Schools

January 23, 2012.  Update:  The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) wrote a letter to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of California, dated January 19, 2012. This letter begins: Dear Commissioners: The Board of the American… Read More