Updated Survey: What do Canadians think and what do they want regarding the mandates, etc?

February 20, 2022.  We have heard from the Prime Minister, Members of Parliament, Premiers, as well as the truckers and their supporters/deniers about the mandates and the trucker convoy.

“What do Canadians think about what is happening in Ottawa and across the country and what do Canadians want?”  These are important questions and it is time to give Canadians a chance to provide feedback to our government.

On February 16, 2022, I designed a survey and distributed it online via a link. The survey consisted of eight multiple choice questions and two open-ended questions.  The survey is anonymous and the deadline for completion was midnight, February 20, 2022.

Within 24 hours we had a few hundred responses and I was hoping we would reach a 1000 within four days.  However, the survey went viral.  We have had well over 80,000 responses that produced thousands of pages of comments with the two open-ended questions.

I provided a preliminary summary of the survey results to various government officials via email. I have no idea if those emails ever reached the intended person.  The two open-ended questions remain to be analyzed, as this will take a bit longer. The word “hope” is used a lot regarding the truckers’ convoy and the words “lost jobs” & “lost friendships” are used a lot regarding the mandates.

Mistakes have been made and we have the opportunity to learn from our mistakes so they are not repeated.  My advice to the government, based on the survey results, is remove the mandates as soon as possible (now) and let Canadians decide for themselves what risks they want to take regarding their health.

The reason I designed this survey was to find out what Canadians think.  I have friends on multiple sides of this issues.  What they think depends largely on where they get their information.  Legacy media provides one version and those on the streets in Ottawa provide a different version.  If you are exposed only to one side of this issue you will not see the picture clearly.  If you follow different narratives you will be confused as they seem to be diametrically opposed.  What do you believe, the media or your own eyes and ears?

Do you listen only to comments you agree with or try to get alternative views?  That choice is yours.  Decisions you make about your health are also your choice or, at least, they were before mandates came along.

The value of a free, democratic society is that we can benefit from the diversity that makes up Canada, and that means diversity of thought as well.  However, we seem to have become intolerant of divergent views.  That’s not the Canada I have come to love.  Diversity leads to stability in nature and it can have the same effect in society if we recognize the value of diversity in all walks of life.

The preliminary results from this survey were sent to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Governor-General, Members of Parliament, Senators and Premiers. Once again, I have no idea if those emails ever reached their intended audience.  I am asking them to listen to Canadians and to do what they know is right.

In total, 93,135 people responded to the survey. Those results minus the analysis of the open-ended questions are available here.

The responses to Questions 9 and 10 (Open-ended Questions) is available here.  I am still trying to get a software program that will assess such a large data set for qualitative data.

Please share this information.

Update:  February 23, 2022.

I sent the survey to all Senators one day prior to their vote.  Normally, when you contact someone in government you receive an automatic reply that your email was received.  I did not receive that automatic response and thought that the email didn’t get through to the Senators.  I was right.  Today (Feb 23/22), I received this notice from my email postmaster:

Your message wasn’t delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, the recipient’s email system refused to accept a connection from your email system.

Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin that it appears that their email system is refusing connections from your email server. Give them the error details shown below. It’s likely that the recipient’s email admin is the only one who can fix this problem.

For Email Admins
No connection could be made because the target computer actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the remote host – that is, one with no server application running. For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article:

If this was not a technical glitch then it is unethical in a free and democratic society to  interfere with correspondence between a citizen and their Senators. I don’t know if it is legal.  I share this incase it has also happened to you.

Key Concerns about Health Effects of 5G and Wireless Smart Technology: Discussing the 5G Experiment

November 24, 2019.  I have been asked to give lectures in various communities about the impending 5G rollout.  It appears that very little information is being provided by the government and by the wireless industry about 5G and the small cell rollout.  People are becoming concerned about what 5G means to them and hence are trying to get information they can trust. There is a lot of misleading information provided by the media and you can’t get any “real”information from the government so it is not clear who you can trust these days.

I enjoy visiting the different communities and meeting the people, discussing their concerns and answering their questions.  Unfortunately, even when the talks are within driving distance (3-4 hour one-way drive) an entire day is consumed by a 45 minute talk followed by Q&A.  Since the rollout is just starting and people are beginning to wake up, I expect I will continue to get requests for information and I realize that this is not a good way for me to spend my time, namely driving or flying around the country, meeting with one community at a time.

Also, I expect there is little that can be done to stop the process since both the America. and Canadian governments deny any adverse health effects below guidelines that were outdated when they were originally conceived decades ago.  See my blog at this website entitled:  Origins of 1966 U.S. Safety Standards for Microwave Radiation.

I want to make information available to the public about 5G so I converted by lectures notes into a youtube video.  The video, Discussing the 5G Experiment,  is 20 minutes long and can be viewed here.

Since our understanding of 5G is unfolding slowly, I expect that this video may be obsolete within a couple of years.  I will update it as needed and as more information becomes available.

At the end of my video I recommend three other videos for people to watch in the following order:

  1. Everything You Need to Know About 5G–Technical information about 5G that was produced by the IEEE (and should be relatively accurate).  It is presented in an easy to understand format; the only thing they don’t mention are the health effects of this technology; 6:14;  click here to view.   
  2. The power of millimetre waves/Verizon; Here Verizon is testing its 5G rollout and finding that mmW are passing through leaves and buildings much more readily than previously thought and presented in video #1 above; 2:49; click here to view.
  3. FCC Chair Tom Wheeler speaks at The National Press Club – June 20, 2016; This will give you a good sense of how people at the FCC view 5G deployment; 1 hour long; click here to view.  

Below is a transcript of the video for those who might want to translate this into other languages.

Discussing the 5G Experiment  [transcript of video] byMagda Havas, November 2019.

Slide 1:  We are at the beginning of one of the largest experiments ever conducted on this planet.  5G is being rolled out across the globe and no one really knows what the consequences of this are likely to be.  The title of my talk is, “Discussing the 5G Experiment.”

I bring this information to you both as a research scientist, as I do research on the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution; and as a teacher, since I have been teaching about this subject for the past 25 years at Trent University.

Slide 2:  What is 5G?

5G refers to 5th generation communication technology.   It allows for faster inter-connectivity.

  • 1G provided voice
  • 2G provided text
  • 3G allowed us to connect to the internet
  • 4G allowed us to download video
  • 5G will allow for technology that communicates at the speed of light with fast (almost instantaneous) download speeds. It will allow for the internet of things and will go well beyond cell phones and their aps.

Slide 3:  How does 5G differ from other wireless technology?

It is important to note that 5G will NOT replace 4G.

It will be in addition to all other frequencies currently generated, which means we will have more exposure to microwave radiation once 5G is activated

5G will use several frequency bands in the low, mid and high band frequencies. The high band consists of millimetre waves that we will discuss in more detail later.

5G also means the densification of small cell antennas in urban and rural areas.  A small cell will be paced on lampposts or telephone poles every 100 to 300 meters depending on location.

Slide 4:  What do we know about the 5G infrastructure?

The infrastructure will consist of satellites, macro cell sites, small cells in front of homes and fibre optics.

Fiber optics are the safest as they don’t emit any radiation.

My colleagues who know more about satellites than I do, tell me this is a relative safe technology provided the exposures are low.  However, if the intensity is increased satellites could be weaponized.

Macro cell sites are dangerous if you live near them.

The greatest concern is the small cell antenna in front of your home as this is going to be difficult if not impossible to avoid!

Slide 5:  There will be winners and loser with 5G.

Some people are going to make a lot of money and some people are going to become very ill because of the massive amount of additional data that is going to be generated  – 50 trillion GigaBytes of data converts to exposure.

Slide 6:  Why is the government  not putting on the brakes?

In 2015, the FCC made $45 billion dollars selling part of the wireless spectrum.  The government didn’t want to put a ban on tobacco sales because they were receiving a lot of money from tobaccos taxes.   The same seems to be the case with wireless.

Slide 7:  Why should we be concerned about 5G?

We have no long-term testing of the biological and health effects of mmwaves!  Yet we are going to expose the entire planet to these frequencies!  This really doesn’t make any sense!

2G, 3G and 4G frequencies are already causing adverse biological and health effects to humans and other living organisms.  We are learning about the health effects as we document the cancers, the damage to sperm and the harmful effects on plants and animals.

Slide 8:  Our love affair with wireless started with the cell phone in the early 1990s.

And while we have a choice as to whether we use a cell phone or not, we have no choice as to where cell phone antennas are placed.

We have a choice about Wi-Fi in the home but no choice about Wi-Fi in schools.  Children are being exposed to microwave radiation for 6 hours every school day without parental approval.

Most of us have no choice about smart meters placed on our homes or smart appliances and the radio frequency chips they contain.

And now we have thousands of satellites being deployed and small cell antennas being placed in our neighbourhoods, with no choice regarding their placement.  Why should we be concerned about 5G?  Because it means more radiation and it means we have no choice in the matter.

Slide 9:  How much radiation can the human body tolerate?

On this map you can see some small purple spots that represent Wi-Fi hot spots in 2002.  These were mostly at universities, research institutions and military installations.

Slide 10:  We have moved from very little Wi-Fi radiation in 2002 to almost global coverage in just 16 years!

Slide 11:  What are the key concerns about wireless smart technology?

By the way, “smart” refers to two-way communication.  It does NOT need to be wireless.

We are concerned about

  • Human health effects
  • Addiction
  • Social Skills
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Effects of Flora and Fauna
  • Energy Consumption, and
  • Global Warming

Slide 12:  I want to divert to an issue of privacy for a minute.

In China students wear these wireless headbands that monitor brainwave activity. The colours determine if the student is focused or distracted.  This information is sent to the teacher’s iPad and the parents iPhone.  One student was interviewed who said that he gets into trouble if he is distracted in class.  The problem is that these devices emit microwave radiation and the  radiation may make it hard for some students to pay attention, especially if they are electrically hypersensitive.

Slide 13:  In some schools students have jackets with RF sensors to determine where they are at all times.  China also uses facial recognition inside buildings as well as on the street.  And you can now make purchases with facial recognition rather than with credit cards or money.

Slide 14:  And for those who think this cannot happen in North America– think again.  Schools in New York want to install facial recognition to prevent mass shootings and other disruptions in the school.  San Francisco is the first US city to ban facial recognition.

Slide 15:  Dr. Cindy Russell reviewed the literature on millimetre waves (which is part of the 5G rollout) as it relates to public health and the environment.  And this is what she found

Slide 16:  mmW have been used to reduce pain in Eastern European health studies.  This  is good.

mmW are also used as part of the active denial system for crowd control.  This is also good … better than being shot, for example.

mmW are proposed for the internet of things but this is NOT a good use of the technology.

The reason is duration of exposure.  With medical and military exposure the duration is measured in seconds and minutes.  With telecommunications it is constant exposure, 24/7 and this is what makes it potentially harmful.

Slide 17:  mmWaves are not supposed to penetrate deeply into the skin.  So the skin surface and particularly the sweat glands are the targets for mmWaves.

The skin is one of our largest organs and separates us from the environment.  Systemic signalling is embedded in the skin that connects to the nervous system, the immune system and the hormonal system.  So there is the possibility of considerable damage being caused at the skin surface.

Some frequencies cause arrhythmia or an irregular heart beat.

Eyes are very sensitive to this radiation resulting in cataracts and other ocular pathologies with prolonged exposure.

Slide 18:  We have evidence that the immune system is impaired in laboratory studies with mice.

There are teratogenic effects (or birth defects) among fruit flies.

And we have evidence for antibiotic resistance caused by mmWaves.

Slide 19:  Those of you who have not watched the 5G Crisis Summit, I would strongly encourage you to get copies of the 40 interviews with experts from around the world.  These include scientists, doctors, engineers, lawyers, politicians, activists, etc.  Cost of this series is reasonable.  In this Summit several of the people mentioned the Nuremberg Code.

Slide 20:  The Nuremberg Code is part of the  International Humanitarian Law that states, “It is unethical and illegal to perform experiments on humans without their informed consent.”

According to this law, 5G should be illegal as people are not giving their informed consent to be exposed to this radiation.

Slide 21:  Why are these products allowed?

Here we have a diaper that will alert the mother’s iPhone that the diaper is wet.  This exposes the infant to microwave radiation.

Here we have a pacifier that has a thermometer inside and sends information about the infant’s temperature to the parent’s iPhone.  So now we have an RF emitting device inside the head of an infant!!!!!  Who is regulating this industry?

Slide 22:  What did German doctors do during the holocaust?

They sterilized millions of their citizens.  The excuse for doing nothing was …

  • Too horrid to believe this is happening.
  • We were just following orders.
  • Refusal meant instant death.

What are the side-effects of microwave radiation?  Damage to sperm leading to infertility and ultimately to sterility. The excuse for doing nothing:

  • I didn’t know it was harmful!
  • I don’t believe it is harmful.
  • I’m just one person … what can I do?
  • I’m past reproductive age … what do I care?

Which of these excuses will you find acceptable when you discover you are unable to have grandchildren?

Slide 23:  Here we have four slides of human sperm.

Some of the sperm were unexposed controls and some were exposed to 2.4 GHz, which is the same frequency used in Wi-Fi.  The slides are based on 1 and 5 hours of exposure.

You can see the sperm moving well in all of the slides except for the bottom right slides. This slide was exposed to Wi-Fi radiation for 5 hours.  Most people will work on their lap top computers connected by Wi-Fi to the internet for much longer periods and they are probably damaging their sperm as a consequence.

Slide 24:  The health effects of radio frequency radiation fall into three categories:

  • reproductive problems – that I just mentioned. These include miscarriages as well as developmental and behavioural problems in offspring.
  • cancers – mostly associated with the head but also breast cancer for women who keep their cell phones in their bra or leukemia for people who happen to live near cell phone antennas; and
  • electrohypersensitivity (or EHS) and you can see some of the most common symptoms of EHS here – sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, poor memory, depression, anxiety, etc.

Slide 25:  What is the evidence for EHS?

I’m going to provide 2 provocation studies.  These are studies testing the effects of microwave exposure on the blood and on the heart.

Slide 26:  Provocation test #1.

Microwave radiation affects the blood of some people who have EHS.   Here we take a drop of blood put it on a slide and view it under a microscope.  The top slide shows my blood before I was exposed to Wi-Fi.  The cells are round and free floating in small loose groupings.

The slide at the bottom shows what happens to my blood when I spend 10 minutes exposed to Wi-Fi.  Every cell on this slide is sticking together. This type of blood is unable to efficiently deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and get rid of waste products produced by cells and it’s called rouleau formation.

Slide 27:  Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a world renown cardiologist, says that our blood should have the consistency of red wine.  Instead most of us have blood with the consistency of ketchup flowing through our veins.   This is rouleau formation.

Symptoms include: headaches, fatigue, dizziness; difficulty concentrating; numbness, tingling and cold extremities; heart and blood pressure problems; and, in severe cases, heart attack or stroke.

Slide 28:  In this provocation study we asked the questions, “Does radiation from a cordless phone affect the heart?”

As soon as you plug a cordless phone base station into an electric outlet, the phone sends out microwave radiation.  This was a double-blind, placebo controlled study.  Neither the person being tested nor the doctor assessing the results knew when exposures were taking place.

Slide 29:  Here we have one example showing real time monitoring.  A 56 year old woman was exposed to the radiation from the cordless phone during session 3 and 5 in this experiment.

You can see that her heart rate increases during exposure from 65 to 86 beats per minute and returns to “normal” once the phone is unplugged.  All of these changes in heart rate are also showing as changes in heart rate variability.

There is up-regulation of her sympathetic nervous system and down regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is a typical stress response and the body doesn’t function well under chronic stress.

Slide 30:  Students at a school in Simcoe County started to complain of various health effects shortly after the school installed Wi-Fi.  Several complained of heart palpitations that were experienced only at school.  4 students experienced sudden cardiac arrest of which 2 were fatal.  The youngest child was only 13 years old.  As a solution the school installed defibrillators!

Slide 31:  Fact – microwave workers are experiencing heart problems.  Research published in 1969 showed that those occupationally exposed to microwave radiation experienced heart problems so,  “In the interested of occupational hygiene researchers recommend that workers be screen for cardiovascular abnormalities so they can be excluded them from occupations involving radio frequency exposure.”  Perhaps students should be screened for an underlying heart condition that could be made worse with Wi-Fi exposure.

Slide 32:  How many people have electrohypersensitivity?

Between 1 and 5% of the population is severely affected by electrosmog and these people are often confined to their homes and become quite ill when travelling shopping, going to restaurants.  I use 3% for these individuals.

Another 35% of the population have mild to moderate sensitivity.  They can still function in an exposed setting but often feel lethargic, have brain fog, and otherwise feel subnormal.

With these % we have about 1 million people in Canada with severe sensitivity; 10 million in the U.S.; and 15 million in the EU.  These numbers are likely to increase following the rollout of 5G.

Slide 33:  One comment I sometimes hear is, “If this was true … they would have told us.”

  • A publication in 1971 cited over 2000 papers on the harmful effects of microwave radiation.
  • More recently in 2015, 248 scientists from 42 countries signed an international scientist EMF appeal that was sent to the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environmental Program with warnings about exposure to microwave radiation.
  • Manufacturers are warning about keeping wireless devices away from the body, and Insurance companies are not insuring against health effects caused by RFR.
  • Medical academies are warning that guidelines are inadequate to protect children against radio frequency radiation.
  • And various governments around the globe are banning Wi-Fi in schools and are hardwiring schools with fibre optics that is faster, safer and much more secure that Wi-Fi

They are telling us … we aren’t listening!

Slide 34: 

  1. As elected officials, Mayors and Councilors have a responsibility to their community.
  2. It is critical that members of Municipal Governments learn as much as possible about 5G.
  3. Telecom providers will ask for permission to place small cells on lamp posts and other public property.
  4. Municipal Governments do NOT have to approve locations of small cell antennas on public property.
  5. They will be overruled by the Federal government.
  6. However, should scientific evidence of harm be provided in the coming years, at least they will not be complicit in the decision to expose the public.
  7. Legal action is likely in the near future.
  8. Some municipalities are requesting the following:
  • annual renewal of contracts for the location of small cell sites
  • ability to have small cells removed with no legal penalty should the science indicate harm
  • regular monitoring of exposure before and after small cells are installed
  • establishment of a health registry for reporting adverse biological & health effects associated with 5G antennas that also involves investigation of the complaint in a timely fashion.

Slide 35:  The 5G race to oblivion – cartoon

Wait a minute … something feels wrong! (concerned Mom)

Warning … cliff ahead! (scientist)

They are not listening! (scientist)

Slide 36:   More videos are being produced on 5G technology.

Here are three videos that I encourage you to watch.

The first provides technical information about 5G that is easy to understand.

Video 2 contradicts some of the information provided in video 1 as Verizon tests its rollout of 5G.  5G performs much better than expected.

Video 3 is a long video where the former FCC chair speaks about 5G.  This video provides an excellent insight about who is running the show and what their views are on the health effects.

Slide 37:  Websites:





www.SLT.co (products for sale)






www.lessemf.com (products for sale)

Slide 38:

Please share this video with those concerned about 5G technology.  Thank you for watching.




A Review Translated from the Russian and Ukrainian Research on Millimetre Waves (similar to 5G) published in 2001

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 10.24.14 PMFebruary 16, 2018:  I recently came across a document in my files that consists of a review of research from Russia and the Ukraine on microwave radiation that includes frequencies from 30 to 300 GHz.

This range of frequencies from 30 to 300 GHz is called millimetre waves (mm waves) and is the range that is being tested for 5G technology. To my knowledge there is very limited unclassified research available documenting the short-term and long-term biological effects of these high GHz frequencies and because of this, this translation is very valuable.

Here is the full reference and the table of contents:

Nikolai Nikolaevich Kositsky, Aljona Igorevna Nizhelska and Grigory Vasil’evich Ponezha.  2001. Influence of High-frequency Electromagnetic Radiation at Non-thermal Intensities on the Human Body (A review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers), No Place To Hide – Newsletter of the Cellular Phone Taskforce Inc., Volume 3, Number 1 – Supplement, 33 pp.

1. Introduction
2. Natural Electromagnetic Background
3. History of Research in the USSR
4. Physical Approach to Resonant Absorption of Low intensity HF EMR
5. Reception of EHF EMR at the Cellular Level
6. Experiments on Animals
7. HF EMR in Medicine
8. Mechanisms of Action of EHF EMR on Biological Objects
9. Standards and Normalization of HF EMR
10. Effects of High-frequency Communications Media on Human Health
11. Discussion
12. Conclusions
13. Appendix
14. References

This document provides either wave length or frequency to differentiate the specific parts of the electromagnetic spectrum being tested.  As a reminder, you can convert from one to the other using the equation below:

wave length (m) x frequency (Hz) = 300,000,000 m/s (which is the speed of light).

So a frequency of 30 and 300 GHz has a wavelength of 10 and 1 mm respectively.  The higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength.

Below are excerpts from this document:


This review examines primarily direct experimental studies of the effects of low-intensity high frequency electro-magnetic fields (HF EMF) on biological subjects, including humans. Unlike epidemiological observations,  direct experiments allow parameters of the acting EMF to be established more accurately, the condition of the subject to be monitored before and during exposure and for a certain period afterwards, and scientific hypotheses on the mechanisms of the effects to be verified. Clinical experiments done with the intention of improving the condition of the patients are the only legitimate experiments on people, and for this reason, published articles more often deal with the positive effects of HF EMF. One should consider, however, that EMFs with therapeutic effects comprise only a minuscule portion of all acting fields, and that there is a large probability of harmful effects from incidental generalized exposure, as confirmed in experiments on animals.


Three possible channels were pointed out for conduction of operative signals within an organism over considerable distances: the nervous system, the humoral system and the system of acupuncture points. In addition, a number of peculiarities of these channels were discovered:

• Conduction of signals through the nervous system is accomplished in the myelin sheaths of the axons.

• Conduction of signals through the humoral system is connected with the movement of generating cells through the blood and lymphatic systems. In this way, within the organism, the transmission of signals is accomplished, apparently, not by conduction of radiation, not by movement of charges, but by the displacement of generator-cells, the oscillations of which reflect the information being carried.

• Water molecules strongly absorb EHF radiation, and play a big role in various biophysical effects involving mm waves.

Permissible operational levels of radio frequency and microwave radiation for an 8-hour differ greatly between the USSR and the US (1996) as shown in the table below:

Screen Shot 2018-02-16 at 9.29.00 PM

This document is highly technical and not written for a general audience.  It’s value is that it provides research on high GHz frequencies (mm waves) and provides us with a glimpse of what some of the effects are likely to be once 5G becomes ubiquitous.


What does AI have to say about the relationship between cancer and Radio Frequenc Radiation?

On November 7, 2024, I asked Grok 2 AI, an artificial intelligence application, to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the biological effects of an increase in free radicals in the body?
  2. Do free radicals cause cancer?
  3. Does radio frequency increase the risk of free radicals in the body?
  4. Are there adverse biological effects of non-ionizing radio frequency radiation below the thermal effect?
  5. Are there any studies on the beneficial biological effects of radio frequency radiation based on chronic, long-term exposure to cell phones and cell phone antennas?

These are the answers provided by AI.


For those of you who don’t have time to read what GROK 2 AI provided, here is the Coles’ Notes Version.

  1. What are the biological effects of an increase in free radicals in the body?

Biological effects include:  • Cell Damage (membranes and proteins) • DNA & Genetic Damage can lead to mutations and cancer development • Oxidative Stress resulting in aging & Chronic Diseases • Inflammation • Mitochondria Dysfunction • Immune System Effects • Endothelial Dysfunction • Brain and Neurological Impact • Skin Aging • Cancer Development

  1. Do free radicals cause cancer?

Free radicals are implicated in the development of cancer, but the relationship is complex & multifaceted. Free radicals can cause oxidative stress that can lead to • DNA Mutations potentially initiating or promoting cancer development and • Cellular Dysfunction contributing to a cancerous environment. Free radicals contribute to all stages of cancer development: • Initiation, • Promotion, • Progression.

  1. Does radio frequency increase the risk of free radicals in the body?

Yes, there is scientific evidence suggesting that exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation can increase the production of free radicals in the body, leading to oxidative stress.

  1. Are there adverse biological effects of non-ionizing radio frequency radiation below the thermal effect?

Yes, there is ongoing debate and research concerning the potential for non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) radiation to cause biological effects below the thermal threshold. These include: oxidative stress, DNA damage, neurological effects, cancer risk, electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and other biological effects such as immune system changes, neurodegenerative disease and impacts on reproduction.

  1. Are there any studies on the beneficial biological effects of radio frequency radiation based on chronic, long-term exposure to cell phones and cell phone antennas?

Beneficial biological effects from chronic, long-term exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation has been less extensively studied compared to potential adverse effects. However evidence for brain glucose metabolism, extended lifespan in rats and for potential beneficial stimulation of cellular processes at very low levels of RF  have been documented.


Here is the complete answer to these 5 Questions.

Question #1:  What are the biological effects of an increase in free radicals in the body?

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, and their increase in the body can have several biological effects:

  1. Cell Damage:
  • Membrane Damage: Free radicals can attack lipids in cell membranes through a process called lipid peroxidation, leading to changes in membrane fluidity and permeability. This can affect cell integrity, function, and lead to cell death.
  • Protein Damage: By oxidizing amino acids, free radicals can alter protein structure and function, potentially leading to enzyme inactivation or misfolded proteins that contribute to diseases like Alzheimer’s.
  1. DNA and Genetic Material:
  • Free radicals can cause DNA strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinks, and base modifications. This genetic damage can lead to mutations, which might contribute to cancer development or genetic disorders if repair mechanisms fail.
  1. Oxidative Stress:
  • An imbalance where free radicals outnumber antioxidants leads to oxidative stress. This condition is implicated in:
  • Aging: Accelerated aging processes due to cumulative damage to cellular components.
  • Chronic Diseases: Including but not limited to heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases (like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s), diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.
  1. Inflammatory Responses:
  • Free radicals can initiate or exacerbate inflammation by activating inflammatory pathways or causing tissue damage that the immune system then responds to.
  1. Mitochondrial Dysfunction:
  • Mitochondria, the energy producers of cells, are both sources of and targets for free radicals. Damage here can lead to decreased energy production, increased free radical production, and a cycle of cellular damage.
  1. Immune System Effects:
  • While the immune system uses free radicals to kill pathogens, an excessive increase can lead to damage of healthy tissues or a weakened immune response due to exhaustion of antioxidant defenses.
  1. Endothelial Dysfunction:
  • Damage to the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels, can occur due to oxidative stress, contributing to cardiovascular diseases by altering vasodilation and increasing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  1. Brain and Neurological Impact:
  • In the brain, oxidative stress can lead to neuronal damage, loss of cognitive functions, and has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases where neurons are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage.
  1. Skin Aging:
  • Free radicals contribute to skin aging by damaging collagen and elastin fibers, leading to wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and other signs of aging.
  1. Cancer Development:
  • Although free radicals can kill cancer cells in high concentrations (as in some therapies), chronic exposure at lower levels might promote cancer by causing genetic mutations if DNA repair is not effective.

The body naturally produces antioxidants to counteract free radicals, but external sources from diet (like vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and flavonoids) are also crucial. However, the beneficial role of antioxidant supplements in mitigating these effects is still under debate, as some studies suggest they might not offer the same protective benefits as antioxidants from whole foods and could even be harmful in certain contexts like cancer treatment.

This overview is based on a combination of scientific studies and insights from web resources, which generally agree on the potential harmful effects of an increase in free radicals, although individual responses might vary due to lifestyle, genetics, and environmental factors.

Question #2:  Do free radicals cause cancer?

Free radicals are implicated in the development of cancer, but the relationship between them and cancer is complex and multifaceted:

  • Formation and Damage: Free radicals are unstable molecules with unpaired electrons, which can cause oxidative stress by reacting with cellular components like DNA, proteins, and lipids. This oxidative damage can lead to:
  • DNA Mutations: If DNA repair mechanisms fail, mutations caused by free radicals can lead to oncogene activation or tumor suppressor gene inactivation, potentially initiating or promoting cancer development.
  • Cellular Dysfunction: Besides DNA, free radicals can damage other cellular structures, leading to protein and lipid damage, which can disrupt normal cellular function and contribute to a cancerous environment.
  • Protective Mechanisms: The body has natural defenses against free radicals, including antioxidant enzymes (like superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase) and dietary antioxidants (vitamins C and E, carotenoids, flavonoids). These antioxidants neutralize free radicals, reducing their potential harm.
  • Dual Role: Interestingly, free radicals can have a dual role:
  • Preventive: At low levels, the body’s redox balance might help in preventing cancer by triggering apoptosis in precancerous cells or by enhancing DNA repair.
  • Therapeutic: In cancer treatment, therapies like chemotherapy and radiation deliberately increase oxidative stress in cancer cells to kill them, although this strategy requires careful management to avoid also damaging healthy cells.
  • Diet and Lifestyle:
  • Diets rich in antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, and other sources are associated with a lower risk of some cancers. However, the evidence for antioxidant supplements preventing cancer is mixed, with some studies suggesting that high doses of certain antioxidants might even be harmful or counterproductive in some contexts.
  • Carcinogenesis Process: Free radicals contribute to all stages of cancer development:
  • Initiation: By causing DNA damage leading to mutations.
  • Promotion: By creating an environment that supports cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis.
  • Progression: Through further damage and mutations that can lead to more aggressive phenotypes.
  • Environmental and Lifestyle Factors: Exposure to external sources of free radicals, like cigarette smoke, pollution, and radiation, can increase cancer risk by overwhelming the body’s antioxidant defenses.

While free radicals do not directly cause cancer in every case, their role in oxidative stress and DNA damage is significant in cancer’s multi-step process. The balance between free radical production and antioxidant defense is crucial, and disturbances in this balance (oxidative stress) can contribute to cancer. However, the complexity of cellular biology means that free radicals are neither the sole cause nor a guaranteed pathway to cancer. Other genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors also heavily influence cancer risk.

Question #3:  Does radio frequency increase the risk of free radicals in the body?

Yes, there is scientific evidence suggesting that exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation can increase the production of free radicals in the body, leading to oxidative stress. Here’s a summary based on the information from various sources:

  • Biological Effects: RF radiation, especially at higher intensities, can cause biological changes by increasing the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can damage cellular components like DNA, lipids, and proteins.
  • Mechanisms:
  • When RF energy is absorbed by the body, it can lead to thermal effects, but at lower levels, non-thermal effects like the alteration of cellular processes might occur. One such effect is the generation of free radicals due to the interaction of RF fields with cellular structures, possibly through the perturbation of electron transport chains in mitochondria or by affecting cellular redox balance.
  • Studies and Observations:
  • Research has shown that RF radiation can induce oxidative stress, which involves an imbalance between free radical production and the body’s ability to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through antioxidants.
  • Experiments, particularly in vitro studies, have demonstrated that RF exposure can increase the levels of oxidative biomarkers like malondialdehyde (a marker of lipid peroxidation) and decrease antioxidant enzyme activities, suggesting an increase in free radical production.
  • Some posts on X have mentioned studies linking Wi-Fi and other RF sources to oxidative stress, although these platforms might not always provide peer-reviewed scientific evidence.
  • Health Implications:
  • The increase in free radicals due to RF exposure could potentially contribute to conditions associated with oxidative stress, like cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and cardiovascular issues. However, the direct link between RF exposure and these health outcomes remains a topic of ongoing research and debate due to the complexity of biological systems and the influence of other environmental and lifestyle factors.
  • Regulatory and Safety Perspectives:
  • Regulatory bodies like the FCC set exposure limits primarily based on thermal effects, but there’s a growing discussion on the non-thermal effects, including the generation of oxidative stress, which might require re-evaluation of these standards.

While there’s evidence suggesting that RF radiation can increase free radicals, the exact mechanisms, the extent of the effect at typical environmental exposure levels, and the direct health consequences are still under investigation. The balance between RF exposure and health effects is nuanced, with ongoing research aimed at clarifying these relationships. For those concerned about RF exposure, reducing unnecessary exposure, like turning off Wi-Fi at night as suggested by some X posts, might be considered, though conclusive evidence linking typical environmental RF exposure to significant health risks is still being explored.

Question #4:  Are there adverse biological effects of non-ionizing radio frequency radiation below the thermal effect?

Yes, there is ongoing debate and research concerning the potential for non-ionizing radio frequency (RF) radiation to cause biological effects below the thermal threshold. Here’s an overview based on the information provided:

Biological and Health Effects:

  • Oxidative Stress: Studies have suggested that RF radiation can induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells, leading to oxidative stress. This can potentially damage DNA, lipids, and proteins, which might contribute to various health issues, including cancer in some studies.
  • DNA Damage: There have been reports of RF radiation causing DNA strand breaks or other genetic alterations in cellular studies. The exact mechanism and its relevance to human health at typical environmental exposure levels are still under investigation.
  • Neurological Effects: Some research points to non-thermal RF effects on the central nervous system, potentially causing symptoms like headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive impairments. There’s also mention of effects like axonal damage or modulation of neuronal activity.
  • Cancer Risk: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified RF electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B), mainly based on epidemiological evidence linking cell phone use to increased risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma. However, this classification is partly due to the lack of consistent evidence rather than definitive proof of causation.
  • Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Some individuals claim to suffer from a condition where they experience symptoms upon exposure to electromagnetic fields, including RF radiation. While the symptoms are real for those affected, the causal link to RF exposure remains controversial and not universally accepted in the scientific community.
  • Other Biological Effects: There are discussions around effects like immune system changes, increased risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and impacts on male and female reproduction due to non-thermal RF exposure.

Regulatory and Scientific Consensus:

  • Regulatory Standards: Current safety standards, like those set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), primarily focus on preventing thermal effects due to RF exposure. These standards might not fully address potential non-thermal effects, as indicated by some of the research.
  • Scientific Debate: The scientific community has not reached a consensus on the existence of adverse health effects from non-thermal RF exposure. While some studies and reviews suggest potential risks, others find no conclusive evidence, highlighting the need for more research, particularly with realistic exposure scenarios that include modulation and pulsing of RF signals.

Posts on X:

  • Posts on the platform X have echoed concerns about non-thermal RF effects, mentioning studies on DNA damage, cognitive impairments, and symptoms associated with microwave syndrome or EHS. However, these posts, while reflecting public sentiment and some research findings, should be viewed with caution due to the potential for misinformation or misinterpretation of scientific data.


While there is evidence suggesting that non-ionizing RF radiation might have biological effects below thermal thresholds, these effects’ significance for human health at typical exposure levels remains a subject of scientific investigation. The complexity of biological systems, the variability in individual sensitivity, and the difficulty in isolating RF effects from other environmental factors contribute to the ongoing debate. More research is needed to clarify these effects, particularly with methodologies that mimic real-world exposure conditions.

Question #5:  Are there any studies on the beneficial biological effects of radio frequency radiation based on chronic, long-term exposure to cell phones and cell phone antennas?

The inquiry into beneficial biological effects from chronic, long-term exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation, specifically from cell phones or cell phone antennas, has been less extensively studied compared to potential adverse effects. However, there are some findings and perspectives that have been highlighted in various research and discussions:

  1. Brain Glucose Metabolism:
  • One study mentioned in the web results looked at the effects of short-term cell phone use on brain glucose metabolism. It found an increase in metabolism in the region of the brain closest to the antenna, which could be interpreted as a biological response but not necessarily a beneficial effect in terms of health. This change was considered preliminary and of unknown clinical significance.
  1. Extended Lifespan in Rats:
  • The National Toxicology Program (NTP) study on rodents exposed to RF radiation found an unexpected beneficial effect where exposed male rats had a longer lifespan. This was linked to a decrease in chronic kidney problems, which are a common cause of death in rats, suggesting that RF exposure might have had some protective or mitigating effect on kidney disease in rats. However, this finding has not been consistently replicated and its relevance to human health is unclear.
  1. General Observations on Non-Thermal Effects:
  • While not directly related to chronic exposure, there’s ongoing research into possible non-thermal effects of RF radiation, which might suggest that at very low levels, RF could potentially stimulate cellular processes in beneficial ways. However, these effects are still under investigation and not well-understood, let alone proven to be consistently beneficial in chronic exposure scenarios.
  1. Posts on X:
  • A post mentioned via X (formerly Twitter) through an AI-powered takeaway indicated that long-term exposure to RF-EMF did not influence age-induced oxidative stress or neuroinflammation in mice. This suggests no beneficial effects in terms of reducing these specific health markers over time.


  • There isn’t a substantial body of research pointing towards widespread beneficial biological effects from chronic, long-term exposure to RF radiation from cell phones or their antennas. The few positive findings, like the increased lifespan in rats, come with caveats about their relevance to human health and are often from studies not specifically designed to look for beneficial outcomes.
  • Most research and public health discussions focus on potential risks or the absence of significant adverse effects rather than benefits.
  • For chronic exposure, the focus has been more on ensuring safety and minimizing potential health risks rather than exploring beneficial effects, given the ubiquitous nature of RF exposure in modern life.

The scientific community continues to monitor for both adverse and beneficial effects, but as of now, the evidence for chronic beneficial effects from RF radiation is sparse, with more emphasis placed on ensuring safety and addressing potential health concerns.

If you would like the answers in a pdf format, click on this link.  Havas Grok AI RFR & Cancer 2024




Results of Survey Questions 9 & 10 about Mandates & Convoy.

February 26, 2022.  In a previous post dealing with the Trucker Convoy and Government Mandates (Ottawa), I shared the results of the Survey that was signed by more than 90,000 Canadians.

That survey asked two open-ended questions and 94% of the respondents answered these two questions.

Question 9:  How has the mandate affected your life?

Question 10:  How has the trucking convoy affected your life?

Open-ended questions, or qualitative data, are challenging to assess but it can be done.  However, since we had such a large response (over 90,000) few software programs can handle that volume and to do an assessment manually would take a lifet-time as there are literally 3,750 pages of responses to question 9 and 3,111 pages of response to question 10.  If anyone knows of a software program that can handle this volume of rsponses, please let me know.

In the meantime, I have been reading the responses to these two questions and I need to share them so others can see how Canadians have been affected by both the government mandates and the truckers’ convoy.  Both the government and the truckers needs to know how their actions affected so many Canadians.  The responses will simultaneously break your heart and give you hope.

If you want to cry in frustration read the resonses to Question 9 here.  Indeed share the responses with your Members of Parliament both federally and provincially.  If you want to laugh and cry with joy read the responses to Question 10 here.  Truckers had a prfound effect on the people of Canada.  They were supported all the way along the route from both east and west and they were supported in Ottawa. People came out despite the cold, the wind and snow.  Truckers shoveled the sidewalks, picked up garbage, fed the homeless.  Apparently crime was down during the protest.  Anyone who watched the live broadcasts got a very different version of what was happening compared with legacy news.

We need to share this information with as many people as possible and especially with people who are making decisins about our lives in ways that are not in line with our Rights and Freedoms according to the Charter.

The System is Broken!

January 30, 2022. What happens when a government loses touch with the people?  What happens when an agency is captured by the industry it is suppose to regulate?  What happens when the media censors dissenting opinions?  What happens when we allow complete strangers (no matter how well intentioned) to dictate our ability to speak our truth, interact with others, and take care of our own health without mandates and other draconian measures. What happens is what we have all experienced since early 2020.

The system is broken.

As a biologist I view the human body as a system: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.  Within the human body we also have sub-systems like the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, etc.  Whenever, one of these systems fails to work properly the body suffers.  Other systems take up the slack, to the degree possible, and–when all else fails–the body deteriorates and dies.

The same is true for systems outside our body.  We are part of multiple systems that include our social circles, our health care system, transportation, communication, education, legal networks, government agencies, etc.

When some aspect of these systems are affected, society adjusts to the degree it can.  However, if multiple systems fail at the same time or if the feedback loops malfunction or fail to function … the consequences can be severe.  We measure this as economic indicators or quality of life-indicators. A good example of a failed system is the Great Depression, when many suffered.

Too many have already suffered as a result of covid, the covid vaccines and the restrictive measures mandated by governments.  Enough is enough!  It took for too long to take back our power, far too long to remove the censorship, for too long to allow people to go back to work, far too long to allow students to go back to school, far too long to allow us to  travel, to eat at restaurants and to go shopping without masks or social distancing.  It took for too long for these government mandates to STOP!

The good news is that our social systems can be transformed and improved, especially once we have identified what is causing the issues.  We can build better but perhaps not what the mega-industrial complex  has in mind.

The truckers’ convoy to Ottawa was a result of people saying, “Enough is enough!”  It is about regaining our recently lost freedoms to live life in a democractic society without increasingly absurd government mandates that don’t even follow the science despite the rhetoric they spew.

A famous Margaret Mead quote is, ““Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”   The truckers and their supporters are demonstarting this as the world watches.  I’m so proud to be Canadian and I have the deepest respect for the men and women who have entered the ring and said, “No more!”

Yes, they (we) are being critisized by none other than our own Prime Miister Trudeau!  He refers to this group (us) as a minority, a fringe group with unacceptable opinions!  I think this shows us Trudeau’s true colours and his friendship with Bill Gates has twarted his mind and eliminated any common sense that may have lurked there in the past.

Another famous Margaret Mead quote is, “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

It seems that many of our politicians and those in mainstream media have either never been taught how to think for themselves and just swallow the government line or are under some spell that removes their common sense and their ability to differentiate between what they see and what they are told.  We saw thousands of people peacefully protesting as the truckers drove to Ottawa, accompanied along the way by possibly millions in support of their cause, and fuelled by a gofundme campaign that had, within a matter of days, raised almost 9 million dollars.  Yet, what they hear is that this is a “small fringe minority group” that holds “unacceptable” opinions.  Where is the truth in those words?  There is none!  And these words are from our Prime Minister.

Trudeau says that these are a minority and a fringe group.  What he doesn’t realize is that this is NOT a minority but rather the silent Majority and they have decided to be silent no longer.

When this all began something didn’t “feel” right.  I was following the statistics on the CDC and following what was happening globally and the number of deaths didn’t jive with the media fear messages and the government dictates on masking, self-isolation, distancing, hand washing, vaccine mandates etc.  I discussed this with friends who shared my concerns as well as many who didn’t.  We had some great discussions and I learned as much about my friends and myself as I did about what was happening globally.

In the early days, as a research scientist, I wondered if there could be a connection between covid cases/deaths and exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR).  I thought of this because many of the symptoms for covid were similar to what was happening with people who are adversely affected by RFR.  So I began to gather information from the CDC and other government agencies and compared the rate of covid cases and covid deaths to states with and without activated 5G.  I shared that information on my website.   Click here for link.

Angela Tsiang contacted me and we began to work together to look more deeply into this issue.  Our deliberations are published here.  This publication came out in April 2021, one year after I first started to look into this connection.

As some of you know, we started a Global EMF Network in April 2021 and have hundreds of volunteers from around the world monitoring RFR in their communities.  We call these volunteers, citizen scientists who are contributing to our understanding of RFR exposures around the globe.  This all began because most governments, while they set guidelines for the telecom industry, they don’t monitor exposure and wouldn’t know if a guideline was exceeded or not.  What kind of agency sets speed limits but doesn’t enforce them?  A captured agency!

Our first project was to monitor the downtown core of cities large and small.  We called this project, “Can you BRAG about your city?”  You could brag if the levels of RFR were low but not if they were high.  The results from this global survey are available at www.globalEMF.net.

As part of this initiative we asked some volunteers to monitor streets with and without activated 5G technology.  We did this in New York City and Denver, Colorado.  To our surprise, streets with activiated 5G small cells also had much higher levels of RFR, even though we were only able to monitor frequencies below 8 GHz with our technology.  This seemed to support our research on 5G and covid cases/deaths.

I pursued the covid-5G connection despite dear and loving friends warnng me against doing this.  They feared that I might receive a backlash from the industry.  If you search my name, you’ll notice that I have been called many names by the bullies who would like to silence people who speak their mind and are not fearful of their bullying tactics.  How can we not speak our truth?  Why on earth would we tolerate these bullies?  I didn’t tolerate them as a child and I’m certainly not going to tolerate them as an adult!

The pandemic is over but I hear rumours that another pandemic is just around the corner.  Hopefully, their tactic won’t work a second time.



Global EMF Monitoring Network: Progress Report

May 22, 2021.  In March, 2021 we sent out a request for volunteers to monitor RF values in nearby communities.  To our great surprise we got more than 150 volunteers within two weeks.  More are signing up on a daily basis as they hear about this monitoring project.  All the data volunteers collect are available at the GlobalEMF.net website and this is updated at least monthly.

We provide videos and pdfs on how to do the monitoring and we provide the data back to the world in the form of interactive maps, pdfs, and videos.  

We aim to monitor at least 1000 cities globally and we have other projects in mind as well.  

Periodically I will share tidbits of what we find on this website.  For example check out this post related to a previous 5G and Covid.

If you would like to volunteer visit globalEMF.net


Update: Is there an association between covid-19 cases/deaths and 5G in the United States?

May 22, 2021:  This is an update of an earlier post questionning the associationg between covid-19 attributed cases and deaths and rollout of 5G technology in the United States.   Since that post we did more analyses and the results are now published.

You may have seen another post asking for volunteers for the Global EMF Monitoring Network.  That project is progressing well and one of the benefits is that volunteers monitored communities in the U.S. that had one of the following:  4G LTE; 5G + 4G LTE; 5G + 4G LTE + mmWaves.  We can now analyze the radio frequency radiation in communities with increasingly “upgraded” telecommunication service.  And here are some of the results.

The graphs above show radio frequency radiation (µW/m2) in the downtown core of U.S. cities that range in population from 1,000 to almost 8 million.  In most cases, all 4 corners at each of 5 intersections along a main street were monitored.  Values are provided for the average, median, and maximum values at all 5 intersections.  The colours indicate exposures in µW/m2 that are less than 1,000 (green)–Salzburg Guideline for outdoor exposure; 1000 to 10,000 (amber); 10,000 to 100,000 (red); and above 100,000 (black)–Russian Guideline.  The U.S. thermal FCC guidline is 10,000,000 at the top of the scale.

The graphs show an upward migration of radio frequency exposure with increasingly more “advanced” technology.  Despite the fact that our metes were unable to monitor the mmW, levels of RFR tend to be higher in these communities compared with those that have 5G but don’t yet have mmW technology activated.

We ranked cities into low, intermediate or high RF exposure and the percentage of those cities are illustrated in the pie charts.  For more informtion on how we did this ranking visit globalEMF.net. The pie charts show that fewer cities with 5G mmW technology have low RFR exposure (green) compared with 4G and non-mmW 5G communities.  Similarly, they have more cities in the “red”.

This does confirm that more cities with 5G mmW have higher RF exposure compared to cities without 5G technology and to those without mmW technology activated.

Also, the majority of 5G mmW cities have intermediate exposures currently (April 2021 monitoring).

For more information on these and other results, visit globalEMF.net.

Global RF Project: Needs Volunteers

March 3, 2021.  Radio frequency radiation (RFR) is invisible.  It has no smell or taste and you can’t feel it, so it is difficult to know when you are exposed and how high your exposures are.  The government is not monitoring RFR and unless you have your own meter you do not know if levels in your immediate environment are elevated and possibly unhealthy.  This needs to change, but how do you motivate a government that receives money from the wireless industry and that has no desire to seriously regulate this industry or to ensure that exposure levels are as low as possible?

Current Situation

Our attempts to connect with Health Canada have been futile.  They simply won’t listen and they still provide inaccurate information on their website about RFR. Unfortunately, other health agencies at the provincial or municipal level are unwilling to challenge Health Canada. People in Canada and the Canadian environment are NOT protected against the increasing levels of RFR.

Canada is not unique.  Other countries–U.S. and U.K., for example–have similar unprotective guidelines for RFR exposure.  The legal challenge in the U.S. against the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) by Environmental Health Trust and the Childrens’ Health Defense has been initiated because the FCC, like Health Canada, has failed to update their inadequate guidelines.  They continue to ignore the scientific evidence that documents cancers, reproductive problems (especially with sperm but also with childhood behaviour for mothers exposed to RFR during pregnancy), and various neurological, hormonal, immunological and cardiovascular reactions that contribute to Electromagnetic illness (EMI). Research documenting these effects dates back to well before the 1970s.  We’ve known for more than 50 years that this radiation can be harmful … yet NOTHING has been done to control emissions.  Indeed, it is full speed ahead with this insane wish to be the first with 5G technology.  We have a serious disconnect between IT experts and health researchers about how our exposure to RFR should be managed.

Unfortunately, when it comes to environmental contaminants–like DDT, PCBs, asbestos, tobacco, lead, mercury–the science preceeds policy by 3 to 5 decades!  It  has been well over 50 years that we have known RF to be a problem so solutions and improved policy are long overdue.

What can we do about this?

I have an idea but it will take the help of hundreds of people around the world participating to make this successful.  Here is what I suggest we do collectively.

We now have a large population that is aware of the health effects of RFR.  We also have accurate and relatively inexpensive meters that measure RFR.  One of those meters is called the Safe and Sound Pro II RF Meter available at Safe Living Technologies.  This meter provides average, peak and maximum values and is easy to use. Cost is about $500 Canadian.  For people volunteering to help with this research, Safe Living Tehcnologies is providing a discount.  You may contact me for the discount code should you wish to participate in this project.

It is time for Community-Based Research and Citizen Scientists to get involved and to volunteer to do monitoring in their area and to share this information with others.  The first project I would like to propose is, “Can you BRAG about your city?”  

NOTE:  The concept of citizen scientist is not new and citizens have been helping professional scientists for a long time.  Some of the principles of citizen science are provided here.

This project entails measuring RF along the main street in the city centre at intersections (so the measurements can be repeated in the same locations).  We will provide volunteers with the protocol for how the monitoring should be done and how the data need to be recorded.  The aim here is to make the monitoring as easy as possible in the shortest possible time.  Total participation time for this project is about 2 hours and that includes measurments and data submission.

How valid is something like this?

There are many examples where citizens helped scientists with their research.  I would like to share just 2 examples here.

Long-Distance Transport of Air Pollutants:  Prior to my research with electrosmog I was involved in acid rain research.  In the early 1970s scientists were debating the long-distance transport of air pollutants. How far do different air pollutants travel?  Sweden and Norway were complaining that most of their acid rain orginated in the UK, which UK scientists denied.  Coincidentally, a teacher at a school in the UK did a project.  He had his students release helium-filled balloons with a message inside.  The message asked the person who found the balloon (after it had deflated) to call the phone number (before internet) and indicate where they found the balloon.  This allowed the students to determine where and how far these balloons traveled.  Some of the balloons were picked up in Sweden and the scientific debate about air pollutants travelling from UK to Sweden was resolved in a most unorthodox fashion.

Nutrient Loading of Lakes in Ontario:  Ontario has a lot of pristine lakes and many of these lakes have cottages within their watershed.  The Ministry of the Environment is responsible for monitoring these lakes and testing for eutrophication or nutrient enrichment, which often results in algal blooms and reduced transparency of the water column.  Ministry scientists enlisted the help of cottagers and asked them to determine the transparency of their lake using a secchi disc (a black and white plate that is lowered into the water column until it disappears and that distance from top of the water to the disappearance of the secchi disc is a measure of transparency).  At the end of each season the Ministry would report the findings to the cottagers.  What was expected is that over time more nutrients would be added to the lake resulting in algal blooms and a decrease in transparency.  What they found instead is that the lakes were getting clearer and transparency was increasing.  It turns out that these lakes were acidifying, which leads to reduced lake productivity and clearer water.  Ministry scientists would not have been able to get this information without the help of cottagers.

There is real value to this type of research.

Sharing the information is critical and we can produce maps (colour-coded for RF exposures).  That is where BRAG comes in.  “BRAG stands for different colours:  Black, Red, Amber and Green and is based on the school BRAG study I did with my university students.  Using these four colours it is easy to see where there are hot spots and where levels are low.  If your downtown city core is green (low RFR) then you can BRAG about your city!  By measuring at city intersections, the same locations can be remeasured over time for temporal trends and these can be diurnal (over a 24 hour period) trends, seasonal trends or changes as additonal wireless radiation is introduced.  There is also an educational value and a raising awareness value to this type of project.

So … if you would like to volunteer to measure the RFR in one or more cities near you, please send me an email with “Global RF Monitoring Project” in the subject heading. We would like to start monitoring by April 2021 and are asking people to respond as volunteers by March 5th, 2021 if possible.  However, if you read this post after March 5th and would like to participate, please contact me because I believe we will be doing different projects for quite some time.

All I need to know is the following:
  1.  Do you have (or can you borrow) the Safe and Sound Pro II RF meter?
  2.  City that you are willing to measure.  Please provide country (province/state) as well.
  3.  Amount of time you are willing to spend volunteering?  2 hours, more than 2 hours as your time permits on projects of your choice.

Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to participate in this or subsequent community-based projects.  See the results from existing monitoring at:  globalEMF.net.

I look forward to hearing from you.


5G Summit 2020 Expert Panel Livestream: Truth & Solutions

June11th, 2020 at 2 pm PT and 5 pm ET Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji co-hosted a live panel discussion that is free and open for everyone to watch.  Here is the link to the youtube video produced (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQKlp7p9lQw).  Warning, this panel discussion was originally planned for 90 minutes but went on for 2 hours and 20 minutes.  So grab a cup of coffee or something more to your liking and enjoy the discussion.  Past the mid-point, some of the experts did not agree about some of the issues raised, which is a healthy sign–as far as I’m concerned.

The panelists discussed the health effects of wireless technology, the rollout of satellites, the roll of the telecom industry and government guidelines, steps to take in your community to delay deployment of 5G technology, success stories, legal strategies, liability-based action, political options, the role of the medical community and the media, personal stories of electrohypersensitiviity with 5G exposure and much more.

Enjoy and share the link with friends and family1

Panel consists of:
  • Frank Clegg (former president of Microsoft Canada & current CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology) – overview of the science-based harm and risk; and strategic perspective
  • Magda Havas PhD (researcher) – published science linking EMF & effects on our immune systems
  • Arthur Firstenberg (author) – latest about the satellite deployment and reported symptomology
  • Andrew J. Campanelli (lawyer) – legal strategies that are beating the telecoms at the municipal level
  • Dr. Rashid Buttar (doctor and social leader) the medial freedom super PAC
  • Mandy Jacob (USA grassroots leader) – local successes across USA
  • Lena Pu (educator) – how a liability-based action can turn the tables
  • Derrick Broze (filmmaker & action leader) – ‘Freedom Cells’ and true sustainability
  • Krystal Tini (activist, yoga instructor & change agent) – personal experience and symptoms since discovering 5G equipment on her apartment rooftop

Dr. Daryl Wolfe interviews Dr. Magda Havas about 5G

May 12, 2020.  On Wednesday May 13, 2020, Dr. Daryl Wolfe (Doc of Detox Show) interviews Dr. Magda Havas via Zoom on the biological effects of microwave radiation and the rollout of 5G technology.  The interview last approximately 45 minutes and is followed by Q&A on the following day (Thursday May 14, 2020).  Details are provided below:

Interview:  Wednesday May 13, 2020 at 3 pm PST [6 pm DST, 11 pm UK] .  Here is the link to the show: https://youtu.be/BY9wNMFXzJc

Live Q&A:  Thursday May 14, 2020 at 3 pm PST [6 pm DST, 11 pm UK].