The System is Broken!
January 30, 2022. What happens when a government loses touch with the people? What happens when an agency is captured by the industry it is suppose to regulate? What happens when the media censors dissenting opinions? What happens when we allow complete strangers (no matter how well intentioned) to dictate our ability to speak our truth, interact with others, and take care of our own health without mandates and other draconian measures. What happens is what we have all experienced since early 2020.
The system is broken.
As a biologist I view the human body as a system: a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. Within the human body we also have sub-systems like the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, etc. Whenever, one of these systems fails to work properly the body suffers. Other systems take up the slack, to the degree possible, and–when all else fails–the body deteriorates and dies.
The same is true for systems outside our body. We are part of multiple systems that include our social circles, our health care system, transportation, communication, education, legal networks, government agencies, etc.
When some aspect of these systems are affected, society adjusts to the degree it can. However, if multiple systems fail at the same time or if the feedback loops malfunction or fail to function … the consequences can be severe. We measure this as economic indicators or quality of life-indicators. A good example of a failed system is the Great Depression, when many suffered.
Too many have already suffered as a result of covid, the covid vaccines and the restrictive measures mandated by governments. Enough is enough! It took for too long to take back our power, far too long to remove the censorship, for too long to allow people to go back to work, far too long to allow students to go back to school, far too long to allow us to travel, to eat at restaurants and to go shopping without masks or social distancing. It took for too long for these government mandates to STOP!
The good news is that our social systems can be transformed and improved, especially once we have identified what is causing the issues. We can build better but perhaps not what the mega-industrial complex has in mind.
The truckers’ convoy to Ottawa was a result of people saying, “Enough is enough!” It is about regaining our recently lost freedoms to live life in a democractic society without increasingly absurd government mandates that don’t even follow the science despite the rhetoric they spew.
A famous Margaret Mead quote is, ““Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” The truckers and their supporters are demonstarting this as the world watches. I’m so proud to be Canadian and I have the deepest respect for the men and women who have entered the ring and said, “No more!”
Yes, they (we) are being critisized by none other than our own Prime Miister Trudeau! He refers to this group (us) as a minority, a fringe group with unacceptable opinions! I think this shows us Trudeau’s true colours and his friendship with Bill Gates has twarted his mind and eliminated any common sense that may have lurked there in the past.
Another famous Margaret Mead quote is, “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
It seems that many of our politicians and those in mainstream media have either never been taught how to think for themselves and just swallow the government line or are under some spell that removes their common sense and their ability to differentiate between what they see and what they are told. We saw thousands of people peacefully protesting as the truckers drove to Ottawa, accompanied along the way by possibly millions in support of their cause, and fuelled by a gofundme campaign that had, within a matter of days, raised almost 9 million dollars. Yet, what they hear is that this is a “small fringe minority group” that holds “unacceptable” opinions. Where is the truth in those words? There is none! And these words are from our Prime Minister.
Trudeau says that these are a minority and a fringe group. What he doesn’t realize is that this is NOT a minority but rather the silent Majority and they have decided to be silent no longer.
When this all began something didn’t “feel” right. I was following the statistics on the CDC and following what was happening globally and the number of deaths didn’t jive with the media fear messages and the government dictates on masking, self-isolation, distancing, hand washing, vaccine mandates etc. I discussed this with friends who shared my concerns as well as many who didn’t. We had some great discussions and I learned as much about my friends and myself as I did about what was happening globally.
In the early days, as a research scientist, I wondered if there could be a connection between covid cases/deaths and exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR). I thought of this because many of the symptoms for covid were similar to what was happening with people who are adversely affected by RFR. So I began to gather information from the CDC and other government agencies and compared the rate of covid cases and covid deaths to states with and without activated 5G. I shared that information on my website. Click here for link.
Angela Tsiang contacted me and we began to work together to look more deeply into this issue. Our deliberations are published here. This publication came out in April 2021, one year after I first started to look into this connection.
As some of you know, we started a Global EMF Network in April 2021 and have hundreds of volunteers from around the world monitoring RFR in their communities. We call these volunteers, citizen scientists who are contributing to our understanding of RFR exposures around the globe. This all began because most governments, while they set guidelines for the telecom industry, they don’t monitor exposure and wouldn’t know if a guideline was exceeded or not. What kind of agency sets speed limits but doesn’t enforce them? A captured agency!
Our first project was to monitor the downtown core of cities large and small. We called this project, “Can you BRAG about your city?” You could brag if the levels of RFR were low but not if they were high. The results from this global survey are available at
As part of this initiative we asked some volunteers to monitor streets with and without activated 5G technology. We did this in New York City and Denver, Colorado. To our surprise, streets with activiated 5G small cells also had much higher levels of RFR, even though we were only able to monitor frequencies below 8 GHz with our technology. This seemed to support our research on 5G and covid cases/deaths.
I pursued the covid-5G connection despite dear and loving friends warnng me against doing this. They feared that I might receive a backlash from the industry. If you search my name, you’ll notice that I have been called many names by the bullies who would like to silence people who speak their mind and are not fearful of their bullying tactics. How can we not speak our truth? Why on earth would we tolerate these bullies? I didn’t tolerate them as a child and I’m certainly not going to tolerate them as an adult!
The pandemic is over but I hear rumours that another pandemic is just around the corner. Hopefully, their tactic won’t work a second time.